
Posts Tagged ‘loc8tor cat’

Loc8tor for your cats

August 18, 2010 Leave a comment

I’ve been a user of a Loc8tor for a while, and thought I’d share this example of its use.

Both our cats came home without our collars yesterday. Thankfully they did come home – that’s one benefit of all collars having safety-releases these days – but I did want to find the collars, partly because the Loc8tor tag on them, and etched name tag, cost a few quid, and partly to find out where they lost them. It’s useful knowledge, in case they don’t come home one night – you know at least one place where they’ve got caught/stuck before (where the collar came off)!

So – armed with my Loc8tor sensor, I walked around the neighbourhood, and found both tags were picking up, and coming from different back gardens.

The first one was 2 houses down. The owner was helpful enough, letting me into the back garden with the sensor to find the collar. I found it: it was under a collapsed wire fence between gardens. That’s useful knowledge – cat #1 must have squeezed through a gap on the way back, and got caught.

The second one, was on top of a garage next door. Again, the owner was friendly and let me scan around and retrieve it. In this case, she told me she’d heard cat #2 in a fight with another cat, and evidentally she had ripped her collar off. Since we didn’t even realise our cats roamed that far, or were fighting elsewhere, again, it was useful to know.

There’s plenty of places to get trapped around here, it seems, and the Loc8tors have worked pretty well every time we’ve used them. It seems they’re worth getting, if only for the peace of mind of having another way to locate your cat, if they fail to come home one night…

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